Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Make a Lame Potato Salad

Oh man, you know how Weatherman Willard Scott does his Smuckers salute to old people on whatever morning show that is? What it has to do with weather, I don't know. Let me tell you, the Smuckers flavor of the day is fear, people. Total fear.

So he's going through Agnes and Jasper and other oldie olds, and he throws out one fun fact about each one. "Agnes is 103 from Podunk, Tennesee and makes a mean potato salad." OMG. Potato salad? Hasn't she made any better contribution than special spuds? In 103 years?! Don't get me wrong, I love a good potato salad just like anyone else, but this woman MUST have done something more with her life. You know she has, but, even worse, whomever submitted her photo and lifelong contribution came up with potato salad. I dunno. I'm shaking my head in mid-life-crisis fear.

I think it's funny that this observation comes at a time when I feel most useless having lost my job six weeks ago. I often think my gravestone would read "She's contributed nothing to life. Learn from her death." Not to be maudlin about it, but seriously, what have I done that could be better than potato salad? At least Agnes mastered the picnic staple, which is more than I can say for myself. (I still don't understand the pickle juice thing.)

This just all means that it's a good time to re-evaluate, or even evaluate, what type of job would satisfy me, add meaning to my life and shit. I need to volunteer or something. I need to make some contribution to the world or at least make a difference in someone's life.

Hmmm, that's kind of heavy and a little too much to think about before coffee. Oy.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

News at 11

Okay, riddle me this: the news is now reporting that traffic across the country is getting lighter, and gas is getting cheaper because...wait for it...the nation's unemployment is at its highest! Good for the people who still have jobs, but please don't be so perky about it. I dunno what to think about this one. At least I'll get to interviews easier.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Things I Can Do Now That I Have Time, or Ways to Amuse Myself

Sure there’s the regular daily tasks of job searching and house cleaning (okay, maybe not so daily), but I’m finding that I really don’t know what to do with myself when I’m not working. So finding stuff to do that doesn’t cost much or even anything is a little hard. Here’s what I’ve come up with:

Go to Starbucks regularly and get on a first-name basis with the barista
Oh right…check! See, already off to a good start!

Ride the T and blog about the characters I see, or just ride the T to see where it goes
I’m a retard T rider and have no idea what line to get where and why they call it a Charlie Card! Who is Charlie, and how do I get to the airport without driving?

Greet people at Target even though I don’t work there
Randomly talk to people and pick up vitamins…now that’s a productive day!

Clean out the closets and get rid of clothes I’ve had since Chapter 1
I mean, really, that shit has to go!

Unpack those boxes in the guest room that have been waiting for a year an a half
Honestly, it’s all Chapter 1 pictures and memorabilia. That will need alcohol or be timed not to coincide with PMS.

Write poems about my friends
I used to correspond in ababcc to amuse my friend Susan; it always made her laugh. Likewise, in college, we used to have rhyming Tuesdays where you could only speak in rhyme. See this is what people did before computers were invented!

Call the people I haven’t spoken to in a while
If people don’t know I lost my job, it’s been a month (GAK!) since we’ve spoken, and that’s way too long!

Go for a walk
But only if it's not raining/too cold/too hot/too buggy out. Yes, dear brother who has lost 100 pounds by walking, okay, fine. Will do. Maybe I'll check out TV yoga too.

Sort the shit in the basement
Again, Chapter 1. I keep waiting and hoping that Consignment Store Cousin is going to come through with the store, because I have some stuff too nice for a garage sale!

Read a book
Um, maybe something that’s actually bound. In cloth, or maybe even leather.

And worse comes to worst, I can stand on a street corner with a sign, “will work for 401(k).”

Other suggestions?