Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Make a Lame Potato Salad

Oh man, you know how Weatherman Willard Scott does his Smuckers salute to old people on whatever morning show that is? What it has to do with weather, I don't know. Let me tell you, the Smuckers flavor of the day is fear, people. Total fear.

So he's going through Agnes and Jasper and other oldie olds, and he throws out one fun fact about each one. "Agnes is 103 from Podunk, Tennesee and makes a mean potato salad." OMG. Potato salad? Hasn't she made any better contribution than special spuds? In 103 years?! Don't get me wrong, I love a good potato salad just like anyone else, but this woman MUST have done something more with her life. You know she has, but, even worse, whomever submitted her photo and lifelong contribution came up with potato salad. I dunno. I'm shaking my head in mid-life-crisis fear.

I think it's funny that this observation comes at a time when I feel most useless having lost my job six weeks ago. I often think my gravestone would read "She's contributed nothing to life. Learn from her death." Not to be maudlin about it, but seriously, what have I done that could be better than potato salad? At least Agnes mastered the picnic staple, which is more than I can say for myself. (I still don't understand the pickle juice thing.)

This just all means that it's a good time to re-evaluate, or even evaluate, what type of job would satisfy me, add meaning to my life and shit. I need to volunteer or something. I need to make some contribution to the world or at least make a difference in someone's life.

Hmmm, that's kind of heavy and a little too much to think about before coffee. Oy.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Mardi, my editor (Marty) and I were just talking about this. It all started when she said that you'll always read a woman referred to as a mother mother or grandmother in a headline, but never a male as a father or grandfather when they die. Then I said I was neither (she's a stepmom) so what would I be referred to, what have I accomplished that would end up in the headline. And she said she'll put down for "Reagan Library Reporter". I said if she did, I'd come back and haunt her. LOL
    But it got me thinking, what would my obituary or whatever story about me say?
    Anyways, you have contributed a lot. You just don't give yourself credit. You're an awesome daughter, sister, and friend to me and others! You've made a difference in my life. Don't I count?! How about everyone else in your life?!
    And professionally, you're a kick-ass editor/marketing executive! I think we all get into that funk that unless we're doing something super out of this world like going into space or breaking a world record than what have we really done?!
    Anyways, like usual, I like reading your blog. It makes me think. See, you made a difference!
    Your lovely friend Michele :)
