Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chapter 2 - Starting Over...Again

You know, everyone has a chapter 2. Mine began when my husband starting screwing my best friend...or at least when I found out. Having started over nearly 3 years ago, I bought my own house (after crashing at my cousin's for three months, bless her), went on, found me a husband and got a stellar job at the corporate headquarters of Dunkin' Donuts and Baskin-Robbins.

Okay, so maybe I did fall down the stairs the first day (well, the first hour) of my new job - I still contend it was the Starbucks gods reminding me who was boss - but it was a great job with great people. Seriously, everyone's hopped up on caffeine and bad could it be? I got laid off. So did a lot of my friends. I know it wasn't personal; it was business, and I was expendable. Honestly, the worst part was saying goodbye to my friends. It's rare to find a largish group of people who work together all day, can tell each other to STFU and still sincerely like each other.

Although I cried all the way home, I realized that the schmo (I say that lovingly) who sat behind me has it worse. With a two-year-old and a baby on the way, he's got a little more to worry about. And he will; he's wicked anal.

So I called my cousin - the aforementioned boarding house marm - and told her she had her coffee buddy back for the summer. Our first stop? Starbucks. Why piss off the gods even more? With caffeine, all is possible.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, now I can comment!
    You'll be fine Mardi! If anyone is going to bounce back and find something way better, it's going to be you my friend. Who wants to stay at the same place forever anyways, right? It's time to move up!
    Though, I think you need to come to Cali for some rest and relaxation first and some coffee with your old pal :)
