Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Getting to the Point

Forgive me. It's been five days since my last blogfession. I'd like to think I've been so busy that I haven't had any time to write. Really, what have I possibly been doing? Why aren't the closets cleaned out, and the boxes unpacked that have been stacked in the guest bedroom since I moved in more than a year ago. (In all fairness, the boxes are all pictures from Chapter One, so I either need to be in a silly/stupid/careless mood or be accompanied by a bottle of pinot.)

In any case, I'm totally unmotivated. Maybe I'm depressed. Maybe I just need some friggin sun - the weather chick this morning said June had 22 days of rain in its 30-day tenure. In other gloomy news, dog-walking cousin isn't talking to me since I told her she hurt my feelings by putting me on the pay-no-mind list (my family doesn't deal well with emotions; just ignore them and they'll go away). Consignment-store cousin has seemed to fallen off the radar, maybe dealing with her own layoff (so I'll give her that). And, fellow laid-off DB worker is in New York all week, and I already miss her. And I don't want to bother anyone who still has a job. Point is that I'm feeling a little alone, forgotten and rejected.

I keep telling myself that I need to keep a list of all the positive things I do each day. I'll positively get on that. Then I'll get to the closets, the boxes and certainly my brother's book. This morning he emailed me to say that my parents finally arrived after driving to California from Florida, "and where are we on the book?" WE are sitting on it trying to get motivated to edit a tome that is funnier than hell, but has more grammatical errors than a child writing a wiki.

But at least I cleaned the bathroom this morning..AND took a shower...AND put on underwear. And now I'm gonna cut the stack of coupons and make a grocery list.

1 comment:

  1. From Michele (who can't find her account on here): I just finished reading this. I hope you're still not feeling a little alone--You still got me! I've had those days too. Cheer up--you have a lot going for you! (How many times do I need to remind you??!!)
